Atari ST/Macintosh - 1995
Beagle was a logical part in my work. A ll this research about randomly generated
games had to lead to Artificial life, Artificial behavior and, who knows, maybe to
artificial intelligence on day...
This project was at the core of my Fine Art diploma and I passed with the jury's
Beagle is a program that generates simple and basic "organisms" and let
them live and evolve following basic internal rules. The main goal of the project
was to create complexity and structure from simplicity. From simple building
blocks, the system could generate countless organisms all able to interact with
the world they are in and with each other. Interestingly, I saw appear
behaviors I had never introduce in the original code, such as "flocking",
and also some sorts of "predators" and "parasites".
For the first time I was really surprised by one of my games.
Sadly, the Atari ST was the only tool I had and it was starting to
be dated back in 1995. So the representation of the organisms wasn't
exactly what I was looking for... just schematics drawings giving me enough information to
understand what was going on. Actually I don't even know if all the "mutation" and
"evolution" algorithms worked ! The ST didn't have enough memory to run the necessary
For that matter, I later created more complex "organisms" as I wanted to see them...
I used an Apple Macintosh and StrataStudio PRO to generate these "organisms".
I wish one day I'll be able to carry on this (kind of) project and create and
see all these things working in real-time...
 Hammer ( born 28.11.1995 )
 MacDO ( born ??? )
 Hook ( born 19.11.1995 )
 Pencil ( born 15.11.1995 )
 Bones ( born ??? )
 Hoover ( born 27.11.1995 )
BEAGLE is ©1995 - Laurent KERMEL