Atari ST - 1989/1992 - released to the public in 2004
Wiliness 3: The Spell Book

1. Neutrial spells

Spell name Runes Shortcut Manta Notes
Health CAE -10 Regain health
Raise CFE -20 Temporary gain extra strength
Confusion CDH -30 Frighten and confuse enemy
Friendship CFD -50 Curse an enemy and make it join your group
(only works on weak minds)

2. Linked spells

Spell name Runes Shortcut Manta Notes
Fire shell JNC -30 Shield against fire
Shield JMC -30 Magic shield against physical attacks
Holy mana IMA -30 Transforms any object into an eatable mixture
Fire potion INC -100 Create an explosive potion (need an empty flask)

3. Neides spells

Spell name Runes Shortcut Manta Notes
Cure JBE -15 Cures poison
Void flare CLB -20 Causes damages to non-material enemies
Drain CLA -20 Drains health from an enemy
Strength potion IFK -25 Create a Strength potion (need an empty flask)
Health potion IAK -30 Create a Health potion (need an empty flask)
Manta potion IEK -35 Create a Manta potion (need an empty flask)
Poison potion IBK -40 Create a poison potion (need an empty flask)

4. Larsha spells

Spell name Runes Shortcut Manta Notes
Lock breaker CMF -15 Open doors
Resurect CAM -200 Brings an ally back to life
Holy spirit EBM -60 Talk to the deads
Clear vision CHM -20 See through walls and doors
Stone CME -50 Turn objects into stone
Finger of fire NAC -25 Small fire attack
Fireball NAF -30 Medium fire attack
Wind of fire CNF -180 Powerful fire attack
Light NCH -5 Creates temporary magic light
Wind of ice CMO -30 Freeze enemy
Stone Golem CMD -100 Create a Stone Golem
Eyeball Guardian CMA -40 Create an Eyeball Guardian
Holy saber CNE -50 Powerful light attack

WILINESS III is ©1989,2004 - Laurent KERMEL